en ua pl
  • Compliance with
    the legislation
  • Competitive
  • Legal
  • Comfortable
    working conditions
  • Training and
  • Social

Advantages of work in the company

We recognize talented, successful and purpose-driven people, so your contribution to the company development and your achievements will be highly appreciated. We are forming a new HR strategy to ensure transparent selection of deserving candidates. We offer competitive income, motivation system, self-fulfilment assistance and career progress. We guarantee comfortable working conditions and comply with the legislation of Ukraine

Open vacancies

If you feel that our company is a place where you can apply your knowledge and experience gained, as well as seize the prospects of sell-fulfilment, but currently we have no suitable positions, please send your CV using the form below. You will be added to our data. Once an appropriate vacancy opens, your application will be considered first.

To send a resume

Thank you for your interest in our company!
We are always glad to meet ambitious and purpose-driven employees in our team.

Fields marked with * are required
