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Loans for the purchase of Euroformat elevators

Zavod Euroformat LLC and its partner bank Hlobus offer a special loan program to purchase elevators from the manufacturer.

Loans under the program are issued for 12–36 months with a down payment starting from 30%. The annual interest rate depends on the loan term length and the amount of the down payment.

Zavod Euroformat LLC offers elevator equipment with special loan terms. Our production facilities in Kyiv, the team of technical experts, and our own service center make it possible for our customers to control every production stage and get advice on any matters concerning the elevator equipment, its installation, and commissioning under the current legislation of Ukraine.

Contact us for a detailed estimate of a specific project’s costs:

+38 067 305 11 07

+380 44 494 35 35


Volodymyr Kopiikovskyi

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