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Elevator World Features Euroformat Amidst Ukrainian Lift Market Realities

In an effort to shed light on the current state of the Ukrainian lift market amidst the conflict, the American specialized publication, Elevator World, reached out to Euroformat’s management for insights. The question, “Do Ukrainian lift companies operate at all?” may seem logical to an outsider, because everyone abroad now understands the state of the Ukrainian construction market. Ukrainians can only smile at such a question - of course, business owners in Ukraine are indeed doing everything within their power, and beyond, to preserve Ukrainian enterprises. They are adapting to the realities of wartime and, most importantly, uniting their efforts to support our brave defenders.

In the article, Euroformat shared its unique experience of persevering in wartime and its unwavering faith in Ukraine’s VICTORY!

The article, “Letter from Ukraine,” can be found in its original form at the following link:


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