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Euroformat has joined the Board of Directors of the UBC

Euroformat has joined the Board of Directors of the Ukrainian Builders' Confederation and now will directly contribute to the development of the Ukrainian construction industry.

The Ukrainian construction community meeting took place on 25 May, with Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine representatives and People's Deputies among its participants.

‘Constructive proposals and efficiency—this is where the greatest value of our traditional Ukrainian Builders' Confederation board meetings lies!’ noted UBC president Lev Partshkhaladze in the post summing up the meeting's results. It's an excellent summary of how UBC works since urgent and vital issues of the Ukrainian construction industry are discussed at its meetings, e.g., the reform of the State Architecture and Construction Inspectorate, construction licencing, and adequate means of tackling these issues.

Construction and elevator equipment production are inextricably linked, and our participation in the development of the Ukrainian construction market will foster the development of the elevator-building industry in general.

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