en ua pl

Cabins “Mont Blanc”

Formal design, various textures of stainless steel offers a high comfort and emphasize that the building belongs to the business class


  • Rigidity of construction
  • Additional soundproofing


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Structure of cabin walls

  1. MDF 12 mm
  2. Ornamental panel
  3. Galvanized metal 1.2 mm
01 02 03

Examples of implemented objects

Cabin equipment

Stainless steel (mirror-finished) + (Option)
Stainless steel "Sateen" + (Option)
Textured stainless steel "Leather" + (Option)
Textured stainless steel "Canvas" + (Basic)
Glass + (Option)
Contract linoleum (basic - Natural 85) + (Basic)
Cast stone (basic - Grey marble) + (Option)
Checker plate aluminium + (Option)
Anti-skid rubber + (Option)
Ceiling (material)
Painted metal (basic - RAL 9005) + (Basic)
Stainless steel (mirror-finished) + (Option)
Stainless steel "Sateen" + (Option)
Ceiling (ceiling layout)
Layout №1 + (Option)
Layout №2 + (Option)
Layout №3 + (Basic)
Layout №4 + (Option)
Layout №7 + (Option)
Layout №9 + (Option)
Control panel (shape)
Flat + (Option)
Trapezoidal + Option
Trapezoidal with illumination + (Basic)
Control panel (material)
Stainless steel (ground) + (Option)
Stainless steel (mirror-finished) + (Option)
Stainless steel "Sateen" + (Basic)
Floor indicator
LED + (Option)
LCD + (Basic)
TFT + (Option)
With indication and Braille letters + (Basic)
Mirror at 1/2 of wall size + (Basic)
Mirror at full wall size + (Option)
Splat mirror (at 1/3 of wall size) + (Option)
Round, straight + (Option)
Rectangular + (Basic)
Accompanying voice / music / gong
Accompanying music + (Option)
Accompanying voice + (Option)
Gong + (Option)
Catalog of the completed projects
Catalog of elevator equipment
Safety rules for the installation and maintenance of elevators
Catalog of production facilities
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